
I'm Ok, let's be real here...
Every one has interests that they might not be the best at. Mine is photography. Ever since my friend introduced me too it, I have been constantly snapping photos at any given chance. The thing with me is I will see something, and see the beauty in it. Or I might look at an object and think it would look wonderful if captured at a certain angle. I'll then plan the picture out in my head and rarely, It may be a pretty good photo. In reality, I'm not claiming to be amazing, i need work, but I think I'm kinda alright; if I do say so myself ;)

Since it is a form of expression that I enjoy, I thought I might make an addition to this blog in the form of "photos" 

Be warned, most will be of my cat ;)

When I took this photo, I thought the pink light would look kinda cool.

This is just simple iPhone photography but there is something about fire which is mystical and magical.

Lens flares are cool :)

Rain is pretty :)

More to come in the near future :)



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Meet The Author

Oh hey,
My name is Ella and I come from a little island located of the coast of Europe, otherwise known as the UK.
 For as long as i can remember, I have loved fashion and beauty. I have videos of me vlogging and doing makeup tutorials from when i was 8. It seems right for me to now have a Youtube channel and a little place to can rant if I feel the need to.

For business enquiry's, go to the appropriately named "contact me" section.